
Welcome Back!

Posted by Admin on March 14th, 2014 | 0 Comments

Hello to new visitors and welcome back to False-Memories.com!

It’s been a long time coming since we closed down our website for a few years now. Even a few spin off series within that time.

What has changed?

We will try to provide you with the most accurate information from a Japanese-English point of view. For example, characters will be referred using western style English, translated from Japanese format (i.e. Anzu Masaki, not Masaki Anzu, or Téa Gardner). English dub information is still available from this website.

Unfortunately, our fanficion archive is no longer in service. However, we are trying to make the gallery as plentiful as we can with screencaps from the theme songs, episodes and anything else. We will monitor the gallery as much as possible.

There will be a lot of changes from the last layout, hopefully it’s everything you expect and more from a fansite.

Thanks for the support!