
Toy Fair 2015

Posted by Admin on March 1st, 2015 | 1 Comment

We recently visited International Toy Fair in New York during February 14th and snapped some exciting photos for the first line up for 2015.

There were some expansion series that are coming out during the summer, but all packaging is still a work in progress.

Crossed Souls
MSRP: $3.99 ea
Release Date: 5/15/15
– In this latest booster set, five warring tribes of monsters put aside their differences and gain the power to Pendulum Summons

Crossed Souls: Advance Edition
MSRP: $9.99 ea Advance Edition
Release Date: 7/3/15
– Each box of Crossed Souls Special Edition comes with 3 booster packs of Crossed Souls, plus 2 variant cards: 1 of 2 Super Rares of non-foil cards from Crossed Souls and 1 of 2 Super Rares from the next booster set.

Duelist Pack Classic:
MSRP: $1.99 per pack or $3.99 per 2-pack blister
Based on the ever popular classic series from the Battle City story arc, with 5 new cards.
– 5 cards per pack, 36 packs per display, 12 displays per case.

We have a sneak peek of the Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V dub promo. We apologize for the low quality! Due to the noise, we tried really had to get the sound in right since it was playing in the booth. If you listen really carefully, you can hear the possible theme song for the English dub.

There is no official release date for the dub, but it has been rumored to air on Nickolodeon.  Hopefully it will air when the Starter Deck comes out!

Arc-V Starter Deck:
MSRP: $9.99 per deck
Release Date: 5/29/2015
Two different Decks in a single display, one based on a Light theme and the other on Dark.
Each Starter Deck contains 41 cards. 1 Beginner’s Guide and 1 Game Mat.

That’s all for now, until next time…

  • Re’Nell

    Uh, yeah, NO. Nickelodeon doesn’t want anime on their lineup anymore, and Nicktoons doesn’t want Yu-Gi-Oh! on their lineup anymore, also. I’m betting on the dub episodes of Arc-V to be Hulu-exclusive.